Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 2012

This was a 'roller-coaster' month, with extreme highs and lows.  The month started by putting Sydney, a foundational member of our family, into her forever sleep.  It was heart-wrenching (still is).  LOW.  (See previous blog entry.)
The next week Micah and Lilly attended VBS at North Bible Church.  It was Lilly's first time as a VBS participant. HIGH.
June 10-17 we were in Bethel, Maine - enjoying time with Nana &  Papa Joe, our friends - the Scholz-Lagues, and some cool weather.  HIGH
While at home preparing for our first family mission trip, the kids started their summer swimming lessons with Mrs. Stacey (NORMAL), and ...we noticed live lice on Micah's head, Lilly's head, and my head.  We scurried to get it under control on ourselves and in our home before flying to Mexico.  LOW.  (See new hair-do photos!)

The last week of June we spent in LaPaz, Mexico with 2 other 'Strong Families' families and missionaries Martin & Susie Gonzales.  We visited the surrounding neighborhoods and put on a VBS for their church, El Faro.  HIGH
Click here to see Mexico pictures (1,750 narrowed down to 77).

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sydney Summer

This summer is dedicated to our beloved and faithful companion Sydney.  She was almost 17 years old.
July 28, 1995 to June 1, 2012

None of us have been together as a family without her in our household.  She is greatly missed!!!  Here are a few of our favorite photos over the years ... puppy, prime, and senior.