Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 2012

School begins - Micah is officially a 3rd grader and Lilly is a pre-schooler.  We are continuing to homeschool and you can visit our website at:  Other activities got underway as well - gymnastics (Lilly), basketball (Micah), piano (Micah), P.E. class (Micah), Mystery of History (family), and Barton House (Jodie & kids).
Labor Day was a 'date morning' for Matt & I. We went on our first (for each of us) hot air balloon ride.  It wasn't a very windy day so we traveled a distance of 3 miles, but were up as high as 1 mile.  It was graceful and fun!
Matt and I also began another adventure as we accepted the lead position of our Sunday School class 'Strong Families'.  We have been on the leadership team, but are now more officially 'in charge'.  It is an honor to work so closely with Dr. John Trent and his wife, Cindy.  Our first social of the year was a bowling night.  It was a fun kick-off event with 7 families represented.