Monday, September 30, 2013

September 2013

The month began with Labor Day and grandparents visiting.  Dave & Julie (G&G Rich) spent a week with us before we began our new school year.  They went with us to see Micah skydive (end of August), took Lilly to her gymnastics class, and we all went to the Diamondbacks game.
Our neighbor, Dave, pulled out his guns and took Matt, Micah & Jodie to Ben Avery Shooting Range for a morning.  We shot a mixture of 8 pistols & rifles.
School started on September 9th.  Lilly's first day of kindergarten and Micah beginning 4th grade.  It is our first year to purchase a pre-made curriculum.  We are studying 'My Father's World - Adventure' focusing on the discovery and foundation of the United States of America.  We are learning about our fore-fathers and how/when each state joined the USA.
Other special events:  Tanzania Sponsor Event; Strong Families Farewell Picnic; Neighborhood Ministries Dinner; Eastside Explorers' Kick-Off.
We went on a field trip to the new Butterfly Wonder.  We enjoyed the multitude of beautiful butterflies all around us in the sanctuary - but Micah said "it was a little much."  Micah began his first season of flag football this month.  His team:  Falcons; his position:  quarterback.