Summer fun begins!
We'll be watching our neighbor's baby, Dagley, for the summer. Dagley is 4 months old and we are super excited. He goes everywhere with us! We're signed up for the Harkins Summer Movie Fun with some friends and also VBS at North Bible Church. We were invited to partner with the missions class and share about our ministry of CARECANS. We collected supplies to fill 300 tennis ball containers for the homeless.
Micah and Lilly both participated in camps this month. Lilly went to Under The Son, where she does horse lessons for a 3-day camp. She didn't mind the early mornings to be able to spend 3 hours with the horses. Micah tried tennis for the first time. He did this with his friend, Brady (and his sisters). They were both during the same week.
In addition to the amazing fun days playing with friends ... (see below) Micah participated in the All-Stars for baseball (runner-up for Championship), and he had a great time dissecting a palo verde beetle (that thing was huge!).